Not Seeing Any Progress?

Read this before giving up!

Snippets of a conversation with a client earlier today:

Client (visibly upset) :-

I am following the plan to the T since the past three weeks, but I am still not seeing any progress. The scale has hardly moved. I am feeling very disappointed.

My Reply :-

I understand what you are going through.

But let’s focus on what is working for you:

  • There are lots of positive habits building up.
  • We as humans tend to measure progress in terms of tangible results but underestimate the effect of small efforts put in daily. We often forget that each effort we make is creating a significant change.
  • Not seeing visible changes upsets us and that is referred to as a valley of disappointment. A period where results don’t match up to the efforts, we put in.
  • We expect progress to happen in an upward trajectory which it most often doesn’t.
  • It is more important is to stick to the plan or system through this valley of disappointment. Consistently continue the positive behavioral habits even when you don’t see tangible results. The real MAGIC happens right after.

James Clear, in his book, ‘Atomic Habits’ gives the example of the bamboo, ‘which can be barely seen the first few years, while it builds a strong root system underground, before exploding ninety feet into the air within six weeks.’

When you feel that you are not seeing any progress, focus on the strong root system you are building by following healthy habits to see extravagant and long-lasting results in the future.

- Jinal Furia Shah